Finding the right hairdresser is often a long and complicated process for women. But at least at these five signs you should better change hairdressers.
There is a relationship of trust between a woman and her hairdresser that is almost like a love affair. Finally, you want to enjoy the hairdresser’s visit, sit back and then go overjoyed and happy to go home.
If this is not the case, you should be changing old hairdresser and looking for a new hairdresser as soon as possible. These five signs also tell you that you should change the barber.
The cut is different than desired
Sad but true: Some hairdressers have their own ideas about what the customer stands for. It becomes difficult when the cut is completely different at the end than desired by you. Here you should really go looking for a new hairdresser.
The barber cuts off too much
A situation with which many women have already made their experiences: They go to the hairdresser and do not want a big change but just a little fresh-up. Instead of just cutting the tips, leave the salon with a felt bob. Again, you should think twice, if you make another appointment in this salon.
Poor communication
They want to describe their ideas and already feel that they are not paying attention to you. You can only dream of a coffee or water and your hairdresser takes a look at her cell phone at every opportunity. That too is one reason why you should look for a hairdresser that will make you feel welcome and in good hands.
Painful hairdresser visit
A hairdresser’s visit should be relaxing and enjoyable – after all, you pay for it. However, if the head massage and shampooing are uncomfortably painful and the styling technique causes you to fear leaving the salon with only half of your hair, then you should respond.
Too long exposure times
You want a new hair color and it just needs some time to work. Of course, your hairdresser does not have to sit right next to you for the whole exposure time, but at least if you are forgotten, you should worry. Too long exposure times can overstrain and damage the hair. Not a good sign for a talented hairdresser!
Every time you visit a hairdresser, it should be noted in the customer file, what was done. So a good styling is reproducible again and again. Aforementioned points are the signs to change a hair stylist.
Your contact details will also be noted so that you can be called in case of an emergency. Well-organized salons remind you in advance even by SMS to your upcoming appointment.
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